Weekly Newsletter #1
31 Oct – 6 Nov
my photos 🙂

What’s the Point of This?
I find it incredibly hard to keep up with all the important people in my life. Occasionally I find myself telling similar ideas I’ve been having or stories that have happened. I love telling stories and I love talking to people that I care about. The more people there are though, the harder it seems to have genuine conversations with everyone while keeping a busy schedule. I didn’t want all my relationships to fall by the wayside but I didn’t see how I could call every single person each week. It just wasn’t possible. This is my tentative solution.
Hopefully, it will let people keep up with my life and see what I’m doing, seeing, and thinking in a more frequent/streamlined manner. This newsletter will be a trial and error and attempt to connect with everyone slightly better. It will help maintain better contact, in a better fashion than social media. I’m not totally sure how this’ll go, but feel free to respond (grandma that means you) if you so desire, hopefully, I’ll be able to respond within the week. I’ll try to do these every month, or week we’ll see, and I’ll hopefully set it up so you can choose how often you see these annoying emails from me. Enough of that, now the juicy stuff:

A Quick Summary of my Current Life
I just finished up Month 3 out of 6 in Mississippi. 3 more to go. It’s kind of insane that this phase is already halfway over. I feel like I just got here, and am not really ready to say bye to my roommates. Don’t think I ever will be. I’ve been living with 4 incredibly cool people: Rex, Collin, Seth, and another guy Cristian whom we only get to see like twice a week. It’s an interesting dynamic.
My roommates of the most ambitious and adventurous people I’ve ever met, and it’s super cool to be surrounded by people who want to do cool ass things and suck the marrow out of life. Everyone at the house also loves learning random things too so it’s awesome to get exposure to all sorts of facets of life whether it fixing cars, Jiu-Jitsu, ice climbing, microplastics, vitamins, or the difference between Green and Black Tea.
This Weeks Adventures

Last weekend we visited New Orlean’s Bourbon Street for Halloweekend. It was surprisingly tame. I’m assuming that’s because we went on a Friday. It was still cool to see but wasn’t earth-shattering. We scooped up a Benet from Cafe Du Monde, which apparently everyone talks about. It was just a cafe in a mall which was a bit surprising, but they were still tasty.

This week my dad flew out for a few days. It was fairly laid back and on Sunday we rented a boat and went fishing near an island. It was cool. I learned that I’m not infatuated with fishing but it was awesome to just spend time with people that you enjoy.

Left to Right: Seth, dad, Rex
What I’m Pissed Off About
I don’t love the work that I’m doing. It’s cool to learn more about computers and how networks work, but sometimes the monotony can be a bit much. The work isn’t my favorite, but it’s just a training phase, and the kickass people at home more than makeup for it. I spent Halloween Day inside a windowless classroom working on a project for work. That one got me.Random ThoughtsBeing in an academic environment can be frustrating particularly if the material doesn’t mesh 100% with your brain.
It’s a little weird because the whole environment is like school all over again. That means competition to some degree. I don’t love that aspect, especially when the material is not one that I’m really engaged with. It makes it feel like I’m always behind the curve when in reality I just don’t enjoy the work and don’t apply myself. It just feels weird when everyone around you seems to be much more invested in the material. It just makes you think about those things in your life that you are prioritizing. What are your priorities? Put those first, don’t just let other peoples’ interests dictate your schedule. I guess only you can really decide if something interests you.
A Few Things I Learned
- I learned that when making fried rice if you slightly burn the rice (oil, rice, egg) it gives it an incredible crunchy texture.
- I learned that San Francisco got way more homeless people after the pandemic.
- I learned that SSD (Solid State Drives) are way more durable (but expensive) than HHD (Hard Disk Drives) because HHDs have an actual spinning disk inside them (that’s why you hear the hum) and are far more likely to break. So if you want less expensive storage and aren’t moving a lot – HHDIf you want pricey but invincible storage – SSD

A Few Things I’ve Been Interested In
- Feel free to be a hater, but Taylor Swift’s album Midnights came out 2 weeks ago and has been on repeat for the last 3 days. It’s so freaking good.
- I’ve been thinking about the future a lot more these days. In 3 months I’ll be on my own, living by myself, cooking by myself, and working out by myself. That doesn’t sound ideal, so I’ve been trying to figure out the best way to stay in contact with people I care about and still enjoy life when my best friends won’t be right next door.
- Sleep has no evolutionary purpose: We’re vulnerable, we’re not gathering food, and we can’t reproduce. The only real reason we sleep is to ‘clean our brain’ and effectively get rid of the build-up of toxins in our brains. In other words, the whole point is to give our brains a freaking break and chill out for a second… Even though it’s still cooking because we dream.

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