#1 What the Heck Even is This Blog?

To be honest. I’m not totally sure. I’m also trying to figure that out.

The blog, though, will go something like this:

It's going to be quotes that inspire me
It's going to be mistakes I have made
It's going to be lessons that I've learned
It's going to be utterances that shattered reality
It's going to be experiences that made me feel
It's going to be controversies that spark conversation
It's going to be people across the globe that I've found interesting
It's going to be a rulebook for past me and guidelines for future me
It's going to be a dialogue for anyone who wishes to hop on the train.

The blog is going to be a documentation of me trying to figure out this thing we all call Life. It's going to be a collection of ideas that younger me would be ecstatic to stumble upon. A guide book for life. Some things I wish I knew earlier. A gold mine, if you will, of total gems that I have compiled from the depths of the internet and world (other literal countries) neatly compiled together in one nice gift wrapped box.
Some might be right. Some most certainly will be wrong. It will, however, be 100% authentic me. Every once in awhile I'm hoping those thoughts resonate, inspire, motivate, or otherwise change the person on the other side of this screen, just like they did for me.                                                                                                              You. I'm hoping this blog, and website, changes you. I'm hoping it will make you a better you. I'm hoping it will make you question who you are as a person. What you believe. What you enjoy. How you feel. I want you to question all those things. I'm hoping this blog will help you make you a more authentic and thoughtful you.
These are the ideas that helped me make me a better me, and I'm hoping they do that same for you.

Ultimately, this website will be a collection of feelings and artistic expressions of how I and Rex Yee live, think, and feel.

And we’re confident that somewhere along the way, somewhere in this odd collection of a website, you will be able to relate and take what we’re doing and create your own favorite version of you.






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