meditating on a mountain

Weekly Wonderings Newsletter

4 ideas each week that’ve made my life happier & more enjoyable

136+ readers swindled (so far)

“Colin’s mind is like ChatGPT for deep thoughts”

“Dude, your mind is like a black box of solutions – I just put my questions in there and out come the answers to my life. It’s incredible”

– Rex Y

“My favorite thing we talk about and think about together is talking and thinking… I literally have to use a different neural pathway to talk to Colin, he spots bullshit from a mile away and calls it out immediately. I love the way he makes me think and question my life”

– Madi M

“I never got the chance to say this… [the world] needs thinkers like you. I observe people a lot and I respected quite a bit about your authenticity and confidence in self. Don’t change”

– Terry H

Milky Way astrophotography in Nevada long exposure
Iceland Iceburgs

im pissed off.

It frustrates me that we’re at the mercy of our parents… or rather, what our parents know. We learn whatever our parents learn. If we’re lucky, we fall in love with learning about human behavior and figure out how to dig ourselves out of a hole.

Public education sucks. Self help is a scam. All my friends also don’t know what the hell they’re doing.

And we all just fend for ourselves.

We do the best with what we know. But we’re all a little f#%ked in the head. We’re just taking what we learned from our parents and running with it… but they were a little f#%ked in the head… that’s how… we ended up… f#%ked in the head in the first place.

But they did the best they could… with what they knew. And on and on. And if nobody is teaching us this s%&t… where the hell were we supposed to learn it from??

Lucky for us… humans have been thinking about how to live a happy life for thousands of years.

Isaac Newton, 1675

Why are we reinventing the wheel? Why are we relearning the same exact things over and over again. Modern day humans literally evolved not because we were faster or stronger than the Neanderthals (the opposite, actually) but because we were smarter… We worked together, told stories, and found creative solutions. Why the hell are we, as a species, having to solve the same problems over and over again?

I guess I’m here to consolidate the most useful information from the most useful, diverse, outlier sources from the corners of the internet to share them with you. Even if you don’t know it, each of us is incredibly skilled in something and that is something the world needs.

3 Fav Articles

Specific Topics

Browse by topic.

My North Star.

Alan Watts – What if Money Was No Object?

The human mind is fascinating. Given the correct information, it’s capable of solving and becoming literally anything. Humans created flight, cell phone towers, underwater tunnels and bionic legs.

Why are we dealing with squeaky hinges, financial struggles, and relationship problems?
Someone else already solved all the problems we’re dealing with.

Let’s live better lives, people already figured that shit out.
“Everyone’s dealing with some shit nobody knows”

“What the hell do I do with my Life?”

It’s the world’s greatest question. A quest, not conquered by even Aristotle… okay that’s not.
I’ve been perplexed for the past 5 years. But then… I opened my god damn eyes and figured it out:

Insecurities suck

Insecurities and indecision are pretty damn annoying. Fear of the future sucks. Uncertainty sucks. Low confidence also sucks. It all sucks. I hated living like that. So I figured out so I don’t have to.

Me getting sucked into a 9-5

“In the Age of Abundance, the only scarcity is attention”
GOAL: Provide the greatest value in the least amount of time

I haven’t got it 100% figured out, but that’s the secret – who does?
Life recently.

South America
United States

Live a Life you actually want to… instead of one… you know…
you hate?

stuff nightmares are made of

Too many of us get caught up livin’ the life we’re supposed to live instead of the one we actually want.

Friends, family, coworkers… they all influence us, sometimes in a direction we don’t even want to go.

We work & work & work until it’s too late:

It was the wrong path the whole damn time.

‘So many people spend their entire 20s climbing the mountain, only to look back and realize it was the wrong mountain the whole time’

Chris Williamson

We settle down and tire out. We yield. We give in to the life that others want us to live. Why?

Where’s the ambition?
Where’d the dreams go?
Are we just waiting for someone to grab hold, shake us and tell us to wake up?

If we don’t choose ourselves, Time will grab us by the wrist and direct us where to go.

I’m pretty fucking fed up of being nervous about the future, you know?

Far too many graveyards a filled with dreams deferred. Generations past have gifted us a Modern World that allows us to work jobs we actually enjoy.

We no longer have to spend 8 hours sewing clothes for the local village. We now live in a world where we’re able to utilize the talents we already have.

Dream on.


The number of times that saying come out of peoples’ mouths is saddening.

Nothing has been easier to attain than this very moment in history. Global travel. New hobbies. New cultures. Learning new skills:

The advancement of the Internet has never made those things easier to acquire.

You deserve more and you deserve better. If you want it badly enough, it is possible.

Fear is no longer an acceptable reason to live a life that you despise. In the age of social media and the Internet we have entered an era of unparalleled opportunity. To live a life anything short of your dreams is unacceptable – It is either naive or lazy or both

We settle for Subpar, far too often.
We box ourselves in to a corner a roll over, accepting what is instead of what could be.

‘Oftentimes many young people, especially males spend years and years climbing a mountain only to look back years later and realize it was the wrong one’

Chris Williamson

Have some freaking control, Frank

For the longest time I had no idea where I wanted to go or what I wanted to do with my life. Since High School I felt out of place and confused. I knew I couldn’t work a normal 9-5 job, but had no guidance or direction.

I’ve spent the past 6 years in search of living a life that I actually want to live. There’s been much confusion and distress along the way. It’s not all figured out, but I’m a hell of a lot happier and more satisfied with where I’m at in life.

We’re all in pursuit of happiness and we all want what’s best for family.

I will NOT be living in regret.

Some stuff I’ve found out so far.

“Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming “Wow! What a Ride!”

Hunter S. Thompson

Doctors don’t want you to know these 5 secrets to a happy life


Calvin and Hobbes

Figure out what the hell you’re even capable of you

some goals


  1. Experience the rawest of human emotions
  2. Push the limits of human capability
  3. Regret nothing

Push the limits of human potential
Figure out what’s possible
Take Control of Your Damn Life

Above all, embrace happiness aggressively

In a world of any, we’re somehow dissatisfied with every.

  • Unfulfilling
  • Desire for more
  • Aimless wandering
  • Subpar relationships
  • Complacency of Mediocrity

“Own your shit”

Jocko Willinck (pretty sure)
impactful travels
what matters


Colorado: Mountain Views


Panama: 3 Weeks Abroad


Iceland: 10 Day Road Trip


Weekly Wonderings Newsletter

4 ideas each week that’ve made my life happier & more enjoyable

136+ readers swindled (so far)